The Athletics & Recreation Department wants to help you stay active and healthy, both on and off-campus. We offer a variety of virtual activities, such as live fitness classes, and challenges – accessible from anywhere! Now we are slowly opening our facilities to the GBC student body! Follow @GBCRecreation on Instagram for the latest updates and programs!


On-Site Activities  

Our Casa Loma Athletic Facility is OPEN for drop-in with limited capacity. Starting on Tuesday, May 11th here is the summer schedule for you can drop in to use WEIGHT ROOM or the GYMNASIUM.

The Weight Room will be open Monday to Friday from 10:30pm until 6:00pm, while the Gymnasium will be open from Monday to Friday from 10:30pm until 4:00pm.

There are scheduled times for specific sports played in the Gymnasium depending on the day! Check out the full schedule by clicking here.

Registration is not required, but students must show their Student ID and complete the Par-Q form prior to entering. 

First come, first serve. *space is limited

Gymnasium 20 people, Fitness Centre 15 people


Fitness Classes 

We created an On Demand Library where all the Winter 2022 fitness classes are available 24/7 at your fingertips. You can stay active anytime and anywhere!



If you're interested in doing a free yoga class once a week, either in person or virtually, we got the class for you. Our very own Dara will be holding a weekly yoga class for the next seven weeks. 

• Tuesday - 1pm Yoga with Dara
Flows from one posture to the next, linking both the breath and body, meditation in motion. These Mind, Body & Spirit classes will increase energy, and strengthen the body while calming the mind. This is a good option for releasing stress and fatigue.

Virtual – You will receive the Zoom meeting ID and password 15 minutes before the fitness class.

On-Campus – Participate in a physically distanced environment with a virtual instructor.  Drop-in at the Casa Loma Athletic Facility – Studio A.  Limited capacity. 

Getting here late? You can still enjoy the classes here!




Fit Your Schedule & Style

Can’t make the scheduled live fitness classes, look for healthy tips, or simply want to work out on your own? Check out Staying Healthy at Home for on-demand fitness classes, exercise routines, and health tips and tricks.


Movement Challenge

Spring into fitness this semester with the GBC Huskies!

Have some fun with us, get active and try to win some Huskies gear!

Join this challenge to stay active and keep moving to win some amazing prizes between May 16th to June 24th! You can join at any time! Make sure to follow our Instagram page @GBCRecreation

How to Enter

A. Download the Pacer App

B. Joining the "GBC Huskies Movement Challenge" public group. Group code: J42475315

C. Start moving and the app will count your 'steps'.